Divine Frequencies
Marta Rabiej REIKI Practitioner & Owner

My name is Marta and I'm a REIKI Practitioner and owner of Divine Frequencies Reiki. I was inspired to get certified in Reiki after personal encounter with Angelic Beings, which changed my life forever. I'm a member of the Reiki Healing Association and International Association of Reiki Professionals.
Through Divine Frequencies Reiki I'm helping my clients look for underlying causes of blockages and to break through the patterns, creating awareness and equipping them with tools to deal with lower frequency emotions like anger, guilt, fear, grief, shame, etc.
I offer personalized, compassionate, judgement-free support to those who are searching for better things in their lives, and guide them towards the life of self-discovery, happiness, and meaning. To add another valuable modality and to serve my clients better, I also completed certification in Karuna Reiki, which helps in healing emotional issues.
Divine Frequencies Reiki Therapy is my dream come true, and I'm excited for you to join me for a REIKI Session! My Divine Frequencies REIKI Studio is located in Calgary, Alberta.
ABOUT Extended...
My journey and road to empathy started at an early age, when I was growing in a family with an impulsive and abusive father. Since the age of three I was compelled to make the lives of others better, by being compassionate and determined to protect them from harm. I was always a strong minded person who fought for justice, and stood up for what I believed was just and fair. From an early age I learned to speak my mind and my truth, and was driven to become capable in settling the intense situations that were happening around me.
In my teens the country I was growing up in was undergoing drastic political changes that lead to violence and turmoil. Freedom of speech, decision making, or the availability of choices were just an abstract concept. I was growing up dreaming about traveling around the world - a world that appeared to be an inaccessible and unreachable place - until I escaped from my country and lived in a refugee camp for few years before arriving in Canada.
Upon arriving in Calgary, life was full of challenges and changes. Everything was harder than I could have anticipated, and even though my dream came true, it was still a long way from the place where I wanted to be. Throughout this journey, major milestones and events marked specific points in my life that really determined who I was becoming and growing into. With my mother’s passing came a lot of questioning and searching for answers that could not be found in life unless you accepted the fact that we are more than just our physical bodies. I was drawn to learning about different philosophies, new ways of treating humans in a holistic way, discovering numerous concepts that focus on wellness without separating the body, mind and spiritual aspects of our existence. And what once was just a search for answers became a passion, and with that came my certification in Reiki.
During those years of many trials and challenges I learned a lot about the human mind and soul. I read countless books on personal development, psychology, and spirituality. I came to the understanding that there is no greater gift than Life, and at times our human nature (with its EGO and limitations) stands in our way to joy and happiness. However, if we embrace our Spiritual nature we can literally reach our dreams and desires.
FREEDOM – is one of the most important values to me. Freedom has a vast meaning. From Freedom of Speech and Democracy, where you are not restricted by anyone while you express your ideas and thoughts, to a simple way of how you do things, and become a productive and valued instrument in a relationship, family, workplace, organization, your community, or global movement. Even though we are all connected and want the best things for ourselves, each of us thinks differently, and perceives our role in the bigger scheme of things on an individual basis.
The ideal description of freedom to me is the ability to contribute to the greatest good of humanity in my own way, pursuing my passion for serving others, as an instrument that heals and restores their balance, strength, and harmony, which in turn brings peace, freedom from emotional baggage, and contentment to their lives.
I do this through the incredible practice of REIKI!

Rather than being quick to judge, be quick to forgive.

"Some men see things as they are and say ``WHY." Others dream things that never were and say ``WHY NOT?" - George Bernard Shaw

Treat your loved ones as your angel treats you – with compassion, respect, and generosity." - Suzanne Siegel Zenkel

Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." – Albert Einstein

Without the dark we would not be able to see the stars.
"Live your life for you, not for anyone else. Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected or disliked stop you from being yourself."